Holding Tools

Carpenter’s Vice

It is used as a work holding device in a carpenter shop. Its one jaw is fixed to the side of the table while the other is movable by means of a screw and a handle. The Carpenter’s vice jaws are lined with hard wooden’ faces

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It is used for holding small works (see figure above)

Bar Cramp

It is made of steel bar of T‐section, with malleable iron fittings and a steel screw. It is used for

holding wide works such as frames or tops.

Planing Tools:

Planing is the operation used to produce flat surfaces on wood. A plane is a hand tool used for

this purpose. The cutting blade used in a plane is very similar to a chisel. The blade of a plane is

fitted in a wooden or metallic block, at an angle.

Types of Planes

Jack Plane

It is the most commonly used general purpose plane. It is about 35 cm long. The cutting iron

(blade) should have a cutting edge of slight curvature. It is used for quick removal of material on

rough work and is also used in oblique planning.

Smoothing Plane

It is used for finishing work and hence, the blade should have a straight cutting edge. It is about

20 to 25 cm long. Being short, it can follow even the slight depressions in the stock, better than

the jack plane. It is used after using the jack plane.

Rebate Plane

It is used for making a rebate. A rebate is a recess along the edge of a piece of wood, which is

generally used for positioning glass in frames and doors.

Plough Plane

It is used to cut grooves, which are used to fix panels in a door. The following figure shows the

various types of planes mentioned above.


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